Wednesday, May 04, 2011

definitely back -the house martins return

a bit later than usual but definitely back for the summer. I think the pair who appeared about two weeks ago and didn't stay were young buyers looking at our house martin des res but couldn't afford the mortgage.


Tara said...

Haha! Hasn't it been over three seasons that they have perched here?

Spot said...

They have been very regular for the last five years or so, but were late this year which gives rise to eco-angst. But they are definitely back, hooray.

Anonymous said...

A friend heard on the television this morning that house martins are short of wet mud with which to build their nests becasue of the very dry conditions this year. Viewers were advised to create muddy puddles in their gardens.

Spike thinks it's worth a try. He's done the odd bit of muddy paddling in his time.

Spot said...

I think they can make do with the pond!